
How Soapboxx Provided Color of Change With a Digital Space for Community Outreach and Engagement

Color of Change is the nation’s largest online racial justice organization. Where there is injustice, there is a Color of Change campaign demanding a response from corporations and the government that creates a more human and less hostile world for Black people in America.


in a single weekend demanding justice for George Floyd


fighting for justice


identified via Soapboxx


Color of Change used to rely on professional contractors to produce videos of support for their campaigns. This provided them with digital content, but was costly, and did not engage voices from communities on the ground.

Without a holistic approach to content creation, collection, production, and distribution, Color of Change was creating more work for themselves at a time when their attention was needed elsewhere – like electing progressive candidates and advocating for social and legislative change.

Color of Change needed to streamline their video process in a way that would center their members’ voices digitally and serve as a tool to take their campaign strategy to an even higher level of impact.

We now consistently think about video when thinking about how to amplify our campaigns.


Color of Change introduced Soapboxx to their campaign strategy at a Georgia primaries event held for Stacey Abrams in 2018. They began with one question posed to field organizers attending the event: “Why do you support Stacey Abrams for governor of Georgia?” Soapboxx became a one-stop-shop for Color of Change members to record, upload, and share their videos. By the 2018 general election, Color of Change invited Black voters to submit videos on the importance of voting – they were able to collect and distribute over 200 videos in just a few months, without the hassle of producing and editing.


Color of Change used the momentum from the Stacey Abrams campaign to reimagine their approach to user generated videos in future social and racial justice projects. In April 2020, residents in a target Congressional district recorded videos calling on their representative to include additional protections for Black businesses in the CARES Act. Videos were then used in ads directed to the Capitol. The Congressperson saw the videos from constituents and reached out to Color of Change, inviting them to share their demands for legislation supporting Black businesses.

We weren’t really using member videos before Soapboxx. Now video has become a go-to and a cornerstone of our strategy.

In just one weekend in May 2020, Color of Change received over 2,000 videos demanding justice for George Floyd. In a time where people were grieving and seeking change, Color of Change and Soapboxx provided an avenue for their messages to be heard, and amplified. Color of Change successfully created an interface for their 7 million members to voice their concerns, share their support, and participate in public conversations about racial justice. Their intended goal was to expedite community outreach and they ended up with a vehicle for a level of community engagement they had never seen before. In fact, Color of Change deputized their biggest supporters to become a part of their Video Squad, a team of “super volunteers” who help manage their Soapboxx platform. Not only does this engagement model benefit Color of Change in providing extra hands on their campaigns, but it also allows supporters to take part in an organization and in causes they care deeply about.

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